


(Seaside Hot Spring Holiday Resort)

(the whole scenery)

(the entrance of the Hot Spring Puzzle Palace)


(take a shower in the pearl)

  海滨温泉的泉水是源自深海海底层的地热之水,为极其罕见的氯化钠泉,日涌量超4000立方米,水温高达70℃,也是广东罕见的临海温泉,味微咸,水质清澈、爽滑。被专家誉为咸水温泉中的极品。 放下行囊,我们就急不可待地奔向温泉区。72个功能、形态各异的露天温泉池星罗棋布于园林花丛中。

(enjoy hot spring in the shell)


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Hua Tuo is a famous physician of the Han Dynasty who is so widely respected that his name and image adorn numerous products (e.g., as a brand name for acupuncture needles and for medicated plasters) and a set of frequently used acupuncture points . He is known for the early qi gong exercise set known as the frolics of the five animals, in which one imitates the actions of tigers, deer, bears, apes, and birds; these practices were later incorporated into various health promoting martial arts practices, such as taijiquan.

(abdominal operations)

Hua Tuo has been called the "miracle working doctor" (also translated as divine physician; shenyi) because of his emphasis on using a small number of acupuncture points or small number of herbs in a prescription to attain good results. Some sayings have been attributed to him; for example, in advocating that people exercise to stay healthy, he said: "The body needs exercise, but it should not be excessive. Motion consumes energy produced by food and promotes blood circulation so that the body will be free of diseases just as a door hinge is never worm eaten."

(bear-like exersice) (bird-like exersice)

Cao Cao, of the Period of the Three Kingdoms, often suffered from headache which could only be relieved by Hua's acupuncture. So Cao wanted to retain Hua's service as his private doctor. Having the well-being of the people at heart, Hua was not prepared to serve one man only, even if the man be Cao. Under the pretext of his wife's illness, Hua went back home. When the truth later became known to Cao, he dispatched his men several times to ask Hua to come back, but failed. And at last Cao had this distinguished doctor murdered in 207 AD at age 97

(monkey-like excersice) (dear-like exersice)
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Take a trip for Huizhou

Huizhou is located in the southeast of Guangdong Province, the northeast end of Pearl River Delta, to the north of Daya Bay of South China Sea and adjacent to Shenzhen and Hong Kong. Apart from Shenzhen, Huizhou is the second mainland city closest to HongKong. Huizhou is in the Pearl River Delta economic zone.
(Huizhou Western Lake)

Huizhou is a historical city of Guangdong Province. During the more than 1,000 years from the Tang Dynasty to the modern times, more than 480 Chinese celebrities had been guests or visitors at Huizhou. Renowned poet Su Dongpo of the Northern Song Dynasty once lived in Huizhou for three years.

(Su Dongpo's figure)

Huizhou is endowed with rich natural resources, especially tourism resources. It has more than 900 scenic spots with potentials for tourism development. With a variety of resources, Huizhou is a combination of natural beauties and cultural attractions. Here you can find Luofu Mountain - "The First Mountain in Lingnan", Nankun Mountain - "The Oasis on the Tropic of Cancer", Xunliao Bay - "The Eastern Hawaii" and Huizhou West Lake - "The Beautiful Xizi". The only sea turtle nature protection area is located in Huizhou.

(Si Zhou Tower)

Huizhou Vacations - Huizhou Tourism ( Flights,Huizhou overview,Huizhou discount hotels, huizhou’s map)tripadviser

Huizhou Western lake

(Heaven for Egrets)
(the bird island)

Useful phrases:
hú guāng shān sè
湖 光 山 色:natrual beauty of lakes and mountains
rén wén jǐng guān
人 文 景 观: Attractions of historical and cultural interest
piān xiān qǐ wǔ
翩 跹 起 舞:(people or birds)dance or fly gracefully and beautifully
shuǐ guāng liàn yàn
水 光 潋 滟 :(lake water)shining and waving


Litchi(荔枝) fruits are a little over an inch in diameter and have a leathery, scaly, warty, reddish coat that resembles a strawberry, but having a thin, papery outer shell. Within, is a central smooth, hard-shelled seed surrounded by a delicious, whitish, jelly-like pulp. The fruit is red when ripe but turns brownish during shipping. The sweet, fragrant flesh is wrapped around a large inedible dark brown seed.
As early as the beginning of Han Dynasty of China, The litchi had already be listed as the high quality goods to the majesty palace, many well-known chapters for it in previous dynasties were also written, for example, there is a famous poetry that comes from Song Dynasty poet Su Dongpo as following," Do not dismiss to be the Lingnan people forever if can feed 300 litchis every day( 日啖荔枝三百颗,不辞长作岭南人).” Until now it still enjoyed great popularity.

In China, litchis are considered the finest of delicacies and a symbol of romance ever since the time of T'ang Emperor Tai Zong, who ruled from BCE 712-5. A special courier service, with teams of swift horses, was set up to deliver the fresh fruits hundreds of miles from Canton north to the Imperial court for his consort, the Lady Yang Kuei Fei. For over twenty years, this consort ruled the Emperor's judgments and emotions, much to the dismay of her enemies, including the royal bodyguards, who one day cornered the two and forced the Lady Yang to hang herself from an old pear tree. After two years in exile, the emperor was allowed to return, but there is no mention whether he continued with the lichi import.
Litchis are best eaten raw as a refreshing end to a meal. Diners then simply remove the shells and nibble or suck the flesh from the seeds. Lychees can be added to fruit salads or poached in a lemon-flavoured syrup and served chilled with ice cream or other fruits. They are also used in such savoury dishes as sweet and sour or with avocado in salads. Lychees are rich in Vitamin C and should be chosen when the shells are as pink or red as possible. Greenish fruits are under-ripe and brown fruits are past their prime. Although the shells act as protection, lychees dry out quickly and so too many should not be purchased at one time, but will keep up to a week in a refrigerator.
[学一学] Poems about Litchis
Rì dàn lì zhī sān bǎi kē , bù cí cháng zuò lǐng nán rén。
日 啖 荔 枝 三 百 颗 , 不 辞 长 作 岭 南 人 。——苏轼《惠州一绝》
Do not dismiss to be the Lingnan people forever if can feed 300 litchis every day.

Yì jì hóng chén fēi zi xiào, wú rén zhī shì lì zhī lái。
一 骑 红 尘 妃 子 笑 , 无 人 知 是 荔 枝 来。——杜牧《过华清宫绝句》A horse galloped across the land at full speed, And the concubine laughs. Who knows it is lichee coming.
A story goes that Yang, the most loved concubine of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty (712- 756), liked litchis. The emperor sent people on horseback to bring litchis back to the palace. A poem by Du Mu, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, exposed and satirized this palace extravagance. It reads:
"A horse galloped across the land at full speed, And the concubine laughs. Who knows it is lichee coming. "
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(Famous Chinese falls)
The most famous Chinese ancient poem on falls:
wàng lú shān pù bù
《 望 庐 山 瀑 布 》
lǐ bái
rì zhào xiāng lú shēng zǐ yān ,yáo wàng pù bù guà qián chuān。
日 照 香 炉 生 紫 烟 , 遥 望 瀑 布 挂 前 川。
fēi liú zhí xià sān qiān chǐ,yí shì yín hé luò jiǔ tiān。
飞流 直 下 三 千 尺, 疑是 银 河 落 九 天。

(Lu Mountain falls)


Li Bai  

The sunlit Censer peak exhales a wreath of cloud;  

Like an upended stream the cataract sounds loud.  

Its torrent dashes down three thousand feet from high;  

As if the Silver River fell from azure sky

Watching The Lu Mountain Falls  

Li Bai  

Purple smoke rises from the mountaintop  

The peak looks like an incense burner in the sunlight  

Far away I see the valley stretching before me  

The whole waterfall hangs there  

Tstraight down to the valley floor  

I think it must be the milky way  

Spilling to the earth from the heavens

Vocabulary Everyday

1.wēn xīn :

温 馨 :adj. (one’s home or living places) cozy and warm


wǒ yǒu yí gè wēn xīn de jiā。

我 有 一 个 温 馨 的 家。

I have a wam family.
2. bié zhì

别 致 : elegant, special, different from others


nǐ kàn zhè xiē fáng zi jiàn de duō bié zhì ya !

你 看 这 些 房 子 建 得 多 别 致 呀!

Look, these houses are so elegant!

3.bù zhī bù jué

不 知 不觉:adv. Unknowingly, unwarelly


tā men wán de tài kāi xīn le, bù zhī bù jué de jiù guò le qī tiān shíjiān。

他 们 玩 得 太 开 心 了,不 知 不觉 地 就 过 了七 天 时 间。

tā zǒu zhe zǒu zhe ,bù zhī bù jué de mí le lù。

他 走 着 走 着 ,不 知 不 觉 地 迷了路。

4. suǒ zài

所 在:n. a place a( often used in literature works)


zhè shì yí gè qīng jìng de suǒ zài。

这 是 一个 清 静 的 所 在。

This is a quiet and peaceful place.

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The Tengwang Pavilion(滕王阁)

The Tengwang Pavilion, located on the bank of the Yangtze River, west of Nanchang City, is one of the three famous pavilions south of the Yangtze River (the other two are Yueyang Tower in Yueyang and Yellow Crane Tower in Wuhan).

The pavilion was built in AD 653, when Tengwang Li Yuanying (King Teng), a younger brother of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, was the governor of Nanchang. It was destroyed and rebuilt as many as 28 times until it was burned to ashes in 1926. In 1989, the pavilion was rebuilt again according to the style of architecture in the Song Dynasty. This nine-storied structure stands at 57.5 meters in height and occupies a construction area of 13,000 square meters with a 12-meter-long base symbolic of ancient city walls. Made of reinforced cement, the pavilion, featuring flying eaves and engraved beams, looks quite splendid.

The reputation of Tengwang Pavilion, to a great extent, is due to a well-known prose - "Preface to Tengwang Pavilion" by Wangbo. It was said that when the author, a reputable poet of the Tang, passed Nanchang on his way to Guangdong, he wrote this prose on the subject of the banquet which was being held to celebrate the reconstruction of the pavilion. With the spread of this prose, Tengwang Pavilion became proverbial.

[vorcabulary study]
xióng wěi zhuàng lì
雄 伟 壮 丽:magnificant and splendid
eg :téngwánggéjiànzhùxióngwěizhuànglì。
腾 王 阁建 筑 雄 伟 壮 丽。
The structure of Tengwang Pavilion is magnificant and splendid.

sù bù xiāng shí
素 不 相 识 :vi. don not know each other ever
eg :wǒhétāsùbùxiāngshí。
我和他 素不 相识。
We didn't know each other ever before.

pò bú jídài:adj.
迫 不 及待:adj. not willing to wait for something, be anxious to do something
eg :
<1> wǒ pòbùjídàide xiǎngzhīdàodáàn。
我 迫不及待 地 想 知 道 答案。
I am anxious to know the answer,

<2> wǒ pòbùjídài de dǎkāi diànshì。
我 迫不及待 地 打开 电视。
I turned on the TV anxiously.

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Dayawan nuclear power base(大亚湾核电站)

Dayawan nuclear power base, by the South China Sea in Guangdong Province, has opened an exhibition hall, a look-out point, Qingren (Lovers) Island, a wharf, and a road alongside the sea.
The exhibition hall features models, photographs, diagrams and video records about the base and related facilities, according to statement from China Guangdong Nuclear Power Holding Co. Ltd.

The look-out point offers a panoramic view of two nuclear power plants at the base, Dayawan and Ling'ao, which is in its second phase of construction, the company said.
Dayawan nuclear power base, China's largest, has six nuclear power generation units, some still under construction, with a total capacity of six million kilowatts. It covers about 10 square kilometers.(Xinhua News Agency December 4, 2006)

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The Hehu New Residence, also called Longgang Hakka Folk Culture Museum, is the largest Hakka residence in Shenzhen. Built in 1817, it covers a sprawling 25,000 square meters. Hehu New Residence was added to the provincial protection list in 2002.

Hakka people, conservative and hard-working, are a reflection of the spirit of Shenzhen, a melting pot for migrants from all over China, according to Yang Honghai, chairman of the local folk culture society. Hakka people first moved to Longgang District during the Song Dynasty (960-1279) and more than 100 traditional round Hakka homes still survive.

(The gate of the Hehu New Residence)

With nearly 2 million Hakkas, who have lived in Guangdong for a long time, and nearly 10 million migrants from around China, Shenzhen is the right place to promote the Hakka spirit of endeavor, endurance and their support for each other.Hakka people also focus on educating their children and remain faithful to their roots and unique culture. A reformed style of Hakka songs and dances is becoming popular among primary schools and kindergartens in Longgang District.

(The pylon gate of the Hehu New Residence)

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A prosperous city : Shenzhen

Shenzhen is a sub-provincial city of Guangdong province in southern China, located at the border with the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Shenzhen is a center of foreign investment and since the late 1970s has been one of the fastest growing cities in the world. It is also the busiest port in China.

Shenzhen faces Daya Bay to the east, reaches Pearl River mouth to the west, borders Hong Kong on the south, and neighbors Huizhou and Dongguan on the north. It covers a total area of 2,020 square kilometers.
In 1980, Shenzhen became China’s first Special Economic Zone (SEZ) and its fate took a dramatic turn. Deng Xiaoping, the unofficial patron saint of Shenzhen, decided to put his ideas on economic reform to the test in what was then a rural area, and the results were truly remarkable. The city expanded swiftly. Infrastructure appeared at a lightning pace and skyscrapers shot up at "Shenzhen speed" --three floors per day. Within the first 15 years the industrial revenue of the city increased a thousand-fold.Shenzhen’s fortunes are inextricably linked to its geographical location. Bordering the Hong Kong SAR (Special Administrative Region), it functions as a pseudo-gateway for the world’s fastest growing economy. Shenzhen brings in more in export revenue than any other city in China, and its largest international trading partner is Hong Kong. Consequently, thousands of Hong Kong businesses have moved or expanded their operations into Shenzhen. Hong Kong’s residents have now even begun to cross the border to simply shop, eat and drink. Still others even live in Shenzhen and commute to work in Hong Kong each morning.
Shenzhen’s economic fame has drawn millions of migrants from China’s hinterland. The city captures the imaginations of the rich and the poor, the ambitious and the desperate. Everyday, newly arrived hopefuls can be seen stepping off trains and long-distance buses, eager to carve out their proverbial slice of the pie. In the meantime, Shenzhen is moving away from an economy heavily based on textiles, light-industry and services and pushing itself into the high-tech sector. The phenomenal success of the last 25 years shows no sign of waning. For Shenzhen, history has only begun.

Symbol of Shenzhen : Diwang Mansion

Diwang Building, standing head and shoulders above others, has been regarded as the symbol of Shenzhen.It looks magnificent, towering into the clouds. It was started to be built in April 1993 and completed in May 1996. It took only three years from design to construction, and it set a construction record of 2.75 days per floor. Being the symbol of the city in 1990s, Diwang

Mansion is famous for its first-class speed, design, and management.
Its 69th floor is being built into a sight-seeing area and recreation space.It is currently the tallest building in Shenzhen and the 8th tallest in the world. you can pay around 120RMB to go to the viewing deck on the 69th floor and look over the whole city center.

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Window of the World(世界之窗)

June18,1994 opening of the Shenzhen Window located in the beautiful banks of Shenzhen Bay, covering 480,000 square meters. The park is composed of 118 magnificent attractions on different scales from 1:1 to 1:100. Visits to the world by geographical area and the structure consists of the world's Square, Asia, Oceania, Europe, Africa, Americas, the world Street eight regional and international sculpture park. Universal theme of the essence as to promote cultural tourism area, she galaxy of 130 world-renowned landscape Set the natural scenery, folk customs, folk songs and dances, performances and participatory projects in a high-tech park, reappearance of a wonderful world. Various of world wonders, historical interest sites, scenic spots, natural landscapes, folk dwelling and customs, and world-renowned sculptures and drawings, even folklore and theatrical performances are available here.
Opening time: 9:00 -- 22:00 each day

Within one day, you can visit many reproductions of famous sites from different countries. For example you can find the Mahamuni Pagoda of Rangoon and the Angkor Wat of Cambodia here. European architectural splendors, such as the Eiffel Tower, the Ancient Athens, the Leaning Tower of Pisa and the Tower of London will carry you back to the cradle of classical European culture. When you tour the miniature Roman Colosseum, you might notice a cruel and bloody scene. Enjoy the picturesque scenery as you take a gondola along the canals of Venice. Mysterious Africa is always full of life and vigor. Here, the Pyramids and the Sphinx are quietly waiting for your visit. After traveling through typical African hamlets, you come to the Oceania. Sydney Opera House, which boasts a unique style, is a landmark not only of Australia but also the whole Oceania. Looking from a distance, it looks like a luminous pearl on the vast expanse of blue sea water. The rumbles of Niagara Falls and the Grand Canyon lead you to the America, a young continent. These two natural wonders are awe-inspiring. Moving on to modern civilization, in the replica of Manhattan you will see rows of towering skyscrapers. No wonder they say the rhythm of life speeds up here.

Visiting during a festival time is another way to experience this replica park. Annually the park holds the Cherry Festival and the Indian Cultural Week. During the Cherry Festival, wandering in the cherry garden of Japan and taking a cup of tea will refresh you. Window of the World runs many programs during holiday periods too. In the summer holiday, the International Beer Festival is a big tourist attraction. Probably, the Pop Music Festival is the favorite of young people. This is held on China's National Day. In December, Santa Claus welcomes New Year's approach. Following this the World Dance and Singing Gala is held during the Spring Festival. Taking part in the entertainment activities complements your travel plan.

There are a number of adventure trips for you to choose from. For example, test your courage by navigating the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon. In the Archery Field, tourists may follow the ways of North American Indians and learn to hunt prey in the lush woods. Even more exciting is to traverse the primitive tropical forest in a cable car. Skiing in a subtropical city might sound strange, but the Indoor Alpine Ski Run in Shenzhen Window of the World offers you four thousand square meters (about 6,200,012 square feet) of indoor piste to ski.

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Happy Valley Theme Park (深圳欢乐谷)

With an area of 170 thousand square meters, Happy Valley Theme Park, Located at overseas Chinese Town (OCT), shenzhen, is the forth theme park developed by OCT group. It is quite different from the other parks, a product of modern high technology and leisure concept, a perfect combination of cultural themes and amusement facilities.

The highest point in Happy Valley id the Adventure Hill. With the space-shot on the top and the Old gold Mine River Raft ride on the foot, the Adventure Hill will bring you and experience of all kinds of excitements.

Visit the park that consists of five major projects, and experience exciting and thrilling rides. The valley has become the city's first park that combines with catering, accommodation, sightseeing, shopping and entertainment.

( Happy Valley Theme Park)

Located at overseas Chinese Town, shenzhen, China, With an area of 170 thousand square meters. Happy Valley Theme Park is the forth theme park developed by OCT groupe. A product of modern high technology and leisure concept, the park consists of five major projects that will give you all kinds of experience.

Space Shot launches you up to 60 metres in the air and suddenly drops you down. Old Gold Mine Adventure draws you back into the wild gold rush.Fantastic performances on Happy Island are a feast for the eyes. Cartoon Town is a paradise not only for children but adults, who can find their childhood there.In addition, visitors can enjoy some new games, like Froghopper and Forest Climbing on the Adventure Mountain.

A Russian troupe Star of Saint Petersburg present their folk dance and acrobatics in Happy Theatre.

Happywood Studio has newly put on stage Chinese Gongfu.Hostelling International to be opened this month is sure to appeal to youth and student tourists for its lowly priced quality service. The valley is becoming the city's first park with full services of catering, accommodation, sightseeing, shopping and entertainment.

(The Cartoon Town in Fairy Tale)

The colorful Cartoon Town is consists of Pirate Ship, North Pole Adventure, Escape from Jurassic Park, Cartoon Theatre and Food Factory. The interesting and educative projects will help children enlarge their knowledge and develop physically and mentally.

(The Adventure Hill with excitements )

The highest point in Happy Valley is the Adventure Hill. With the Spaceshot on the top and the Old Gold Mine River Raft Ride on the foot, the Adventure Hill will bring you an experience of all kinds of excitements.The Happy Island of Leisure It is surrounded by the Canal, in which the guests can travel in a special raft and enjoy the beautiful scene along the river. In the heart of the parrk is the Happy Theater with and excellent magic dance drama "Happy MD".

(The Maya Beach In the Mystery )

The Maya Beach is a water-park with the mysterious Maya culture. Playing in the Tidal River, Wave Pool, Banyan Tree Slides, Master Blaster and Maya Temple, you will have the experience of discovering a lost civilization.

The Commercial Street, Night Square, and Bar Town will bring you back to romance and relaxing from excitements.

(Wild Animal Zoo - Safari Park Shenzhen )

The park invested and run by Shenzhen Tourism (group) Corporation is the first of its kind in China. It has resigned from the traditional caging model and the animals have returned to nature, relaxing in an environment which is closely resemble the nature habitat. And so, visitors can not only travel in the buses watching the beasts prey outside, but also walk and feed the lovely animals in their natural environment, feeling the experience of wildness and being returned to nature.

Covering an area of 1.2 square kilometers, the park is the home to 3,000 animals and birds numbering over 150 species with beautiful and quiet environment. It consists of three zones: the herbivore zone, the zone of beasts of prey and the zone of walking and performing zone. In the herbivore zone, there are tame animals such as hippoes, sikadeer, giraffes, elephants and various species of birds. In the zone of beasts of prey, there live the ferocious tigers & lions and the charmingly naive bears. In the walking and performing zone, there are Crocodile Pool, Monkey Hill, Snake House, Panda Hall, Golden-monkey's enclosure, viewing tower and restaurants, and you can see the wonderful performance such as the Chinese and Russia Circus, and especially the Fantastic Animal Show-the animal parades on which you will see the majestic-looking King of Animals, a funny wedding ceremony performed by bears and beautiful dance of Red-crowned cranes. Entering the world of animals, you can view various species of birds and beasts.

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Hong Kong

Brief Introduction To Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Location: Eastern Asia, bordering the South China Sea
Area: 1,092 sq km
Climate: tropical monsoon; cool and humid in winter, hot and rainy from spring through summer, warm and sunny in fall
Terrain: hilly to mountainous with steep slopes; lowlands in north
Population: 6.78 millions
Religions: eclectic mixture of local religions 90%, Christian 10%
Languages: Chinese (Cantonese), English Literacy: definition
The third annual session of the 7th National Peoples' Congress (NPC) adopted a decision on April 4, 1990, on establishing the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) as of July 1, 1997.A preparatory committee for the SAR was established in 1996 by the NPC, to prepare the establishment of the region. The preparatory committee was composed of mainland members and of Hong Kong members who constitute not less than 50 percent of its membership.

The first government and the first legislative council, the Provisional LegislativeCouncil, were formed in December of 1996, in accordance with the principles of state sovereignty and smooth transition. The preparatory committee shall be responsible for preparing the establishment of the SAR. The selection committee, set up in November of 1996, were composed entirely of permanent residents of Hong Kong and must be broadlyrepresentative, including Hong Kong deputies to NPC, representatives of Hong Kong members of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference CPPCC), persons with practical experience who have served in Hong Kong's executive, legislative and advisory organs prior to the establishment of the Hong Kong SAR, and persons representative of various sectors of society.
The Central - MidLevel Escalator and Walkway System is the longest outdoor covered escalator system in the world. Note: The keyword is "system" since this is not one single and continuous escalator span. There is nothing touristy about this escalator system although it attracts many tourists. Since 1994, this has been a convenient, direct, and free connection between Conduit Roads in the MidLevel and Connaught Road in Central, plus every point in between. The entire system, which stretches 800 meters long and up a vertical climb of 135 meters, consist of 20 escalators and three moving walkways, with a few switchbacks thrown in for a good measure. The MidLevel residents use this system to reach Central every day for work, and that is the reason why the first escalator runs daily are for downhill only. At 10:20 AM, the runs begin upward and continue until midnight. The system has not only reduced travelling time between Central and the MidLevel, it has also eased traffic congestion and helped generating cleaner air in the vicinity. Since the system has individual tracks, which span only one or two blocks at a time, one can get off whereever one likes. There are 29 points to enter from and exit to many interesting neighborhoods -- for instance, IFC Mall, Des Voeux Road, Central Market, and Hollywood Road -- and there are plenty of restaurants, bars, and shops lining up alongside the escalators.

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Hong Kong——Shopping Paradise

Hong Kong has long been known as a shoppers paradise. It still is, but more than ever before, one needs to know where to go shopping, there are so many malls and shopping streets, markets and Antique shops.

Sandra Haughton, Hong Kong’s shopping “guru” and founder of “Shopping 4 U”, says “Finding the right outlets was and still is the hardest part of my business”.
Why waste valuable shopping time struggling to find remote destinations, when “Shopping 4 U” can transport you between each outlet in air-conditioned comfort allowing you to shop with ease.

Practically all of Hong Kong is a shopper's paradise for clothes, accessories, shoes and furniture. Year-round, you'll find many sales in and around Central on Hong Kong Island and limitless bargains to be had in Mongkok, on the Kowloon side.
Designer shops and exclusive labels are a dime a dozen here, and lots of foreign tourists usually come here to restock and update their wardrobe. Many local labels, such as Giordano, also have done well on foreign shores. These are another source of fashion for men, women and children.
Hong Kong's traditional markets – where bargaining is the right way to get the right price – provide a vivid contrast to the shiny new skyscrapers which house designer boutiques. Several markets offer silk products, Chinese artwork, collectibles and curios at affordable prices.
Where to buy
MarketsBargaining is the preferred way to shop at Hong Kong's markets. Sometimes one's method of payment, such as cash, may bring about a slight discount. You'll do especially well by haggling with a smile and a chuckle at night markets.
Although markets allows you to boast your bargaining skills, it is good to remember that products sold at these markets do not come with proper guarantees. Such purchases are, of course, non-returnable, exchangeable or refundable.
Notable markets include: Stanley Market, the Jade Market, the Temple Street Night Market, the Ladies Market, the Flower Market, the Goldfish Market, and the bird market.
Stanley Market is probably the best known market in Hong Kong, and it is certainly an ideal place to buy gifts and souvenirs. The historic narrow and winding lanes are packed with vendors selling Chinese artwork, silk items, and much, much more. Location: Stanley, Hong Kong Island. Hours: 09:00 – 18:00.
Malls and Department StoresMost department stores and retailers do not practice bargaining, but they will often slash their prices during sales to attract customers. Times Square, The Landmark, The Galleria, Prince's Building, Alexandra House, Pacific Place and the ifc mall are the major Hong Kong Island shopping centres, with designer shops and exclusive brand names in abundance. To exercise your purchasing power on the Kowloon side, don't miss Festival Walk in Kowloon Tong, The New World Shopping Centre and Ocean Terminal in Tsim Sha Tsui, and New Town Plaza in Sha Tin.
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Hong Kong Equestratian(香港马术)

I want to begin today's topic with a performence by a little girl, an amazing melody played by the Chinese folk musical instrument (Erhu), the name of this melody is Horse Racing,related to the topic today.

Did you know both horse and human are declared Olympic medallists! It is also the only Olympic sport where men and women compete in the same event. Equestrian as a competitive sport first began in 1868 at the royal Dublin Horse Show. Enthusiasm for the sport then spread to Europe and North America. By the late 1800 horse shows were regular international events that attracted much notice.

Show jumping was part of the Olympic Games of 1900, but the full program of Dressage, Show jumping and 3-day Eventing was introduced in 1912. Though techniques have changes through the years, show jumping has remained much the same as when it first appeared.

There are seven Equestrian disciplines recognized internationally: Jumping, Dressage, Eventing, Reining, Vaulting, Endurance, and Driving. The Olympics features only the first three.

The 2008 Beijing Olymipics Eqestrian events will be hosted by Hong Kong,China and we hope to see you there...

Equestrian in Hong Kong

The Equestrian events will be held at the Hong Kong Sports Institute and Penfold Park in Shatin, Beas River Country Club and part of the adjacent Hong Kong Golf Club. Hong Kong has in place world-class equine care facilities and medical services for horses, and a group of professionals in the Equestrian events. Hong Kong also has recognized quarantine protocol arrangements with many countries. Besides, Hong Kongs Equestrian sport for riders with disabilities is well-established and takes a leading position in Asia.

This is a link to the Olympic's Official Website: http://www.olympic.org/uk/games/beijing/index_uk.asp

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