

Litchi(荔枝) fruits are a little over an inch in diameter and have a leathery, scaly, warty, reddish coat that resembles a strawberry, but having a thin, papery outer shell. Within, is a central smooth, hard-shelled seed surrounded by a delicious, whitish, jelly-like pulp. The fruit is red when ripe but turns brownish during shipping. The sweet, fragrant flesh is wrapped around a large inedible dark brown seed.
As early as the beginning of Han Dynasty of China, The litchi had already be listed as the high quality goods to the majesty palace, many well-known chapters for it in previous dynasties were also written, for example, there is a famous poetry that comes from Song Dynasty poet Su Dongpo as following," Do not dismiss to be the Lingnan people forever if can feed 300 litchis every day( 日啖荔枝三百颗,不辞长作岭南人).” Until now it still enjoyed great popularity.

In China, litchis are considered the finest of delicacies and a symbol of romance ever since the time of T'ang Emperor Tai Zong, who ruled from BCE 712-5. A special courier service, with teams of swift horses, was set up to deliver the fresh fruits hundreds of miles from Canton north to the Imperial court for his consort, the Lady Yang Kuei Fei. For over twenty years, this consort ruled the Emperor's judgments and emotions, much to the dismay of her enemies, including the royal bodyguards, who one day cornered the two and forced the Lady Yang to hang herself from an old pear tree. After two years in exile, the emperor was allowed to return, but there is no mention whether he continued with the lichi import.
Litchis are best eaten raw as a refreshing end to a meal. Diners then simply remove the shells and nibble or suck the flesh from the seeds. Lychees can be added to fruit salads or poached in a lemon-flavoured syrup and served chilled with ice cream or other fruits. They are also used in such savoury dishes as sweet and sour or with avocado in salads. Lychees are rich in Vitamin C and should be chosen when the shells are as pink or red as possible. Greenish fruits are under-ripe and brown fruits are past their prime. Although the shells act as protection, lychees dry out quickly and so too many should not be purchased at one time, but will keep up to a week in a refrigerator.
[学一学] Poems about Litchis
Rì dàn lì zhī sān bǎi kē , bù cí cháng zuò lǐng nán rén。
日 啖 荔 枝 三 百 颗 , 不 辞 长 作 岭 南 人 。——苏轼《惠州一绝》
Do not dismiss to be the Lingnan people forever if can feed 300 litchis every day.

Yì jì hóng chén fēi zi xiào, wú rén zhī shì lì zhī lái。
一 骑 红 尘 妃 子 笑 , 无 人 知 是 荔 枝 来。——杜牧《过华清宫绝句》A horse galloped across the land at full speed, And the concubine laughs. Who knows it is lichee coming.
A story goes that Yang, the most loved concubine of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty (712- 756), liked litchis. The emperor sent people on horseback to bring litchis back to the palace. A poem by Du Mu, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, exposed and satirized this palace extravagance. It reads:
"A horse galloped across the land at full speed, And the concubine laughs. Who knows it is lichee coming. "
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